And here's their cake. Cute. The reception place served ice-cream sundaes instead of cake, that was fun cause they had those little fake cherries (as Ryan calls em) that I love. =)
At any rate, most of the pics were on Erin's camera, and you guys don't know my extended fam anyways, so I will save those pics for now. =)
This just in, I received another email from, this is you're lucky week. Back in May sometime (?) she wanted to know when the kid was the size of a certain food because they were her favorite. Now is the!! =) Wow. I thought they gave up on food descriptions! No longer do I have slightly larger than last week's lemon, but a green tasty item the shape of a weird football! Excellent. I will leave you with that food for thought. =)
This could, quite possibly, be my favorite week of gestation. I bet he's cute. (or she). Actually, probably more see-through and alien-looking.....but a baby, nonetheless!!!! VERY EXCITED for avocado week!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Marth!
yay for avacado week. they are quite possibly one of the best foods ever. i think its wierd to think of your child as the size of a food.
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