Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ode to Pregnancy

There's been some talk of my belly (sick i hate to call it that because it never should be a good thing to say that my belly is getting bigger)....and I do have some pictures, I've been taking them on the first of every month, just for fun, and I think Erin has some..I think I'll just wait until we are in person, and you may see for yourself. =) HA!

I have another appt on Monday. Can't believe it's been a month already. Being the not-so-hospital-going person that I am, I have a hard time believing that these monthly appts are even necessary. I have no idea what else they would need to do at this point...pee in a cup, weigh me, check my blood pressure, and say 'yup, looks like you're still pregnant'. and out the door. Do I really have to go for that? And then at the end I have to go every week?!?! Foolery.

On a more exciting note, I gave myself a haircut today, looks better than the blob that I could see it becoming...wonder if Ryan will be able to tell. hmmm... Anyways, got some laundry done, balanced the check books, cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen, and now I'm headed to workout...I've recently discovered that the scale of cardio uncomfortableness for pregnant people goes as follows:

1. Riding a bike (especially the ones with the pedals in front of you instead of below)
2. Running
3. Jogging
4. Elliptical things
5. Step mill
(walking would be right here, but that doesn't really count as a workout)

1 being oww can't do it, and 5 having the highest chance of finishing the amount of time set out to complete. Today I will step it up. Also, I will smoke my abs after this kid comes out cause that will be very sad if they (what abs I used to have) were gone permanently.

At any rate, everyone read Heather's post and then start praying. Just a girl from Nebraska. sigh. Bye now!

1 comment:

Carissa Martin said...

dude, email some photos!!