Monday, April 28, 2008

What a day for a daydream

SO, went grocery shopping today again...with the boys...this time I had to get a lot of stuff, so I had to push the cart with both boys in it and pull the cart with all the food. =) worked out great, and I had fun too...(mostly I was just laughing at how ridiculous I must have looked)

Whilst I was there, numerous women stopped me and asked questions about my little guys...good thing I went on a Monday morning when it wasn't as busy as other times....but lots of people asked me if I had a girl and a boy. ummmm...NO. hahahaaahaa. Bet they felt dumb. Little note to my readers. Don't ask a random if it's a girl or boy. Instead, you should say something like 'what's their name?' or 'how old' because then the random will most likely respond with 'he's... or she's blah blah.' Then you will know your answer. When in doubt, don't assume, because you're probably wrong. =)

So when I got home, I decided to take a pic of Ethan (the one that kept getting accused of womanhood) and let the audience take a poll. On a scale of one to girly, let's get some ratings in the comment section going.

maybe it's the pink flamingo?? Better take a different toy next time. =)


Josh and Erin said...

k. I personally don't see girl, but that's because I've changed his diaper so I know.

However, people should know that all babies look unisex...thus they should listen to your hints. Cause even though he's manly ((well will be)) you really can never quite tell for sure unless they're naked. It's not his fault he likes flamingos. The neck is easy to grab!

The Feather Files said...

"Girl" isnot be my first thought looking at the picture. Although, the pink flamingo might have thrown them off, especially if G didn't have one too.

Ya know, Leah has gotten this too when we have gone to lunch. People will say, "Is it a girl or boy?" Kate was always wearing pink, girlie clothes and they still asked. I think from now on, I will take your advice and ask the name.

Anonymous said...

yep, gotta go with a black stuffed bird--maybe a penquin?? =) Don't think there's a problem in the handsome little guy department!

maybe chubbier is associated with more manly?!?

Anonymous said... blanket, basketball hanging down, dark blue car seat...those seem to scream "BOY" to me : ) It was good having Garrett in the nursery. Chris had a chance to feet him and remember how Josh used to be! See you later.


Rachel said...

I totally think BOTH of your boys look very manly! :) People think Tanner is a girl all the time -- even after they see his sporty sweatsuit AND I tell them his name is Tanner. Oh well -- I think it's probably always hard to tell when they don't have a full head of hair yet!

I'm so impressed with your grocery store skills! I can barely manage with one sometimes! (I'm the one who's baby you hear all the way across Target.)

Anonymous said...

flimingo or not, that dude is all man.

Heather Lea said...

well....i guess the bird could be to blame, but what is the OTHER pink thing in the next carseat- (2nd picture) that ANOTHER pink toy? Girl, please. We need to go shopping for some MAN about Thursday?

The Feather Files said...

does it mean I will get added to you links since you know I have a blog now? :)

Abby McNair said...

all boy - cute little boy. i'm so used to pink, that if anything is blue I assume boy. Your kiddos are pretty precious!

Steph said...

that is all boy and definitely sure of himself to be holding a pink toy and be so happy!

Anonymous said...

They both look manly! How funny! He even looks manly with the pink flamingo!

Mark & I came across your blog yesterday and were soooo excited to see and read how things have been going! I actually started laughing as I was reading through your posts.....made me think I was right there listening to you!

Anonymous said...

I don't see girl either and I think the basketball seriously counteracts the PINK flamingo~people just need to pay attention!

Anonymous said...

Marth, Ethan is totally a man. These randoms are crazy blind.
I miss you!


the Ecclestons said...

HA! I LOVE this post! I get asked BOY or GIRL all the time, even if he is dressed in all blue and clucthing a plush football....HELLO people! From one BOY house to another....he's all boy:)!