Thursday, August 2, 2007


Well...haven't posted cause haven't had time. The fam and house-sitting have kept me pretty busy. 4 gallons of milk already gone. They've been here for 4 days. You can guess that there has been a lot of food preparation to keep up with these folks. Anyhoo, we've been taking a lot of pics....of course....Dallas put some up on facebook last's only a matter of time before Erin posts her's...and I only have a few. Their camera's are nicer than mine. =) Anyhoo, check em out. I'll put some up here when i have more time.

I think I felt a kick this morning. Don't really know. This week I have a something 'about the length of a small zucchini' inside me. Think I should be feelin somethin. =)

1 comment:

Davenport Dame said...

I find it strange that the sparkly tooth lady has two gold crowns. She works at a dental office! Can't she get some free updates, Doctor?

Mart-I wish I could have been in Lincoln this weekend to see you. I feel like I'm homesick here, strangely enough. Hope all is well there and keep posting--it's my only connection.