Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Yesterday, Susie and I picked about 100 lbs of apples....65 lbs for me. 25 Bucks. That's nothin. Actually 65 pounds sounds like a lot, but it's really not cause apples are heavy. hmm. Anyhoo, 7 bags, headed with us back to NE to get spread thin cause my family is giant. =) I wish I would have taken a camera, Susie would have probably thought I was a freak...but I thought it was beautiful being in all the rows of apple trees, me and Susie and the skitos. I had fun, she was on a mission for the best apple every time...and she climbed a tree to get a few cause we're both short. hahaha. very serious picker.

I've finished two books last week, one on parenting and the other was 'A Case for Faith'. Both good. Ryan just ordered a bunch of Piper books online....they were having a sale every-book-by-him-$5-sale. But I think I will read the one he got for graduation from Orduna's. 'God is the Gospel.' I have actually never read anything by him, because my brain has to be working overtime to keep up with his writing sometimes....but it comes, along with his others, highly recommended. Better get on it, I have just the time for a read today.

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