Monday, August 20, 2007

Another trip to NE

It's official. I'm goin back. For 2 days. WOO HOO!! Joe and Susie are going back to NE to go to Nate's White Coat Ceremony at the dental school, pretty big I'm going to hitch a ride with them and get dropped off to hang out with fam and Bamm hahaha for Friday and Saturday and then ride back with SCIPP as she's moving her way to a different state. Couldn't ask for a better weekend! It will be quick though folks, brace yourselves. I'm also scheduling a meal with Steph and Briana, hosted by my second mom, Deb Eidam, the most fabulous cook in the west....Omaha. =) Can't wait.

The only downside is that I have to leave my manly husband to fend for himself. Sniff sniff. He will have some friends to feed though, Herbie and Popcorn (his parents' dogs). =)

I registered for some classes....'Preparing for Childbirth Series' yesterday. oh man. 5 weeks, 5 one-hour classes....for first timers. =) The really cool one will be a tour of the part of the hospital that we'll be in, which will be really good for both of us so we don't get lost and end up having a kid in some random room far far away from where we should be. But they don't start until the middle of October, so we have some time to mentally prepare and for me to get even more huge. 2 weeks. Ultrasound. Bring it.

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