Tuesday, August 14, 2007

To Set the Record Straight....

These are the words that were recently spoken to my father......

In an attempt to be the 'bearer of news', some poor misinformed individual told my dad that Ryan and I had our ultrasound and were expecting to be parents of a girl.


Who would say such a thing? Dad doesn't remember who it was that said it, he just remembers thinking, what a loon. hahahaha. unbelievable.

Here is the correct information for those of you who might read this on occasion. Our FIRST ultrasound is scheduled for September 4th, and we are still unsure if we will find out what we're having. But that is still 3 weeks away, and if any of you know us at all, we probably won't decide until we're in the dr.'s room if we will leave with gender info. Same goes with baby name ideas. We basically have none, maybe a few, but not really until December.....20th MAYBE. hahaha. So now you don't have to ask. =)

I thought Ryan and I should just try to guess what the baby is by looking at the screen...since the child will be about 4 weeks farther along than when they normally do ultrasounds. Maybe things could be a bit more visible.....?? And then we will see in December if our guess was correct!! I thought it sounded like a great idea...Ryan just looked at me. hahaha.


Carissa Martin said...

Well, since its twins, whoever the source was that told your Dad it was a girl could be half right.
Hahhahaha. How am I doing at spreading additional rumors?

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas said...

great!! Thanks!!! Also funny, people ask me if I'm having either a boy or a girl, and Ryan's boss, Dr. Neal told me just to say 'yes'. hahahahaa