Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Whitey Whites!!

Well folks, today marked the first day of water weather...actually it's been water weather for a while, we just first experienced it for ourselves today. Thanks to our friends, Josh and Emily White, and thanks to Josh's parents for the purchase of a nice heated pool for wimps like me. Today during my target run I picked up some swimmy diaps, that gives us 9 times to the beach this season....or maybe I'll have to buy another pack and double it.
Most likely the latter. Anyways, the boys love bath time, even though I haven't switched over from the short and to the point bath to the take your time and I end up drenched bath. SO, naturally, they were little fish lovin the water. Garrett took his nap when we got there in the carseat, and Ethan decided to sleep on the bricks ?? Oh well, he took a nap! Josh was in a grilling fury and made us a fine post-swim meal of steak and chicken. Top 3 reasons why we like Whity-white. 1. His wife, Emily 2. His dog, Tackle and 3. His parents' pool. Excellent. Just kidding. No but seriously. just jokin. Seriously though. Ryan and I started meeting with them last fall and we hardly knew each other, but slowly our weekly hangout night turned sort of bible studyish...venturing thru the book of Galatians and then recently discussing some downloaded John Piper videos. We also made an addition to our two family group, Mark and Heather Ring, a few months ago. Currently, we talk about what we want the purpose of our group to be and do and go and say and such. You know. Josh is a man of vision and purpose and a heck of a facilitator. AND! He and Emily are in the middle of a house remodel, actually it's an ongoing process, he's a do-it-yourself-er guy, I KNOW. The list of our projects will soon be underway once we move in. =) He's almost done with his man-cave basement right now. that will be awesome...just in time for Football season. I'll never see Ryan again. But they're both great with the boys and we love them! Thanks Whites for being such great friends! (and for being my age!!)


Jayme (Sirk) Cox said...

Cute Pics! You need to take them to the beach though---

The Feather Files said...

I MISS TACKLE!!! Love the pics! Makes me wish I was swimming instead of sitting in an office...1 month from today! AHHHHHH.

Anonymous said...

I think I may have seen you guys today at Josh and Emily's. I was heading out with my Josh and had to take Cardinal instead of Lupine due to a garage sale. Thought about stopping in...but didn't know if I should.

Scott Martin said...

Lol...really the reason why I'm leaving a comment was to agree...why did my parents say Bobby before me!

oh, you're babies are fun and handsome...wonder which one will marry Evelyn?

Hoping for a small wedding,


Anonymous said...

Best post yet...Whitey White Rules!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the shout out Marth