Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Time to play in the dirt!

As many may know, Ryan and I have been house hunting for a few months....and decided that building was our best option, because of our AWESOME friend, Mr. Bill Magrane. He's a middle school math teacher who likes to build houses on the side. What?! Crazy combo, but he's VERY good to say the least, and we're excited to have him walk us thru the process. We've picked out a plan and are waiting to get in with the architect to finalize...and in the meantime we were on the hunt with our other friend, Lars Petzke, realtor and friend of ours. He's been so patient with us, we have no idea what we're doing. hahaha. So this morning we put in an offer on a lot and gave em three days, they got back within 2 hours and shot us down. HAHA! But that's what we expected...they counter offered, and we will too, and hopefully by the end of the week we'll have a lot! yesss!!! YIKES, what am I saying! It's a dang good thing we have people we trust to help us out and be honest in helping us make decisions and such....it's gonna be pretty fun.

Hopefully, if my readers are faithful to my blog, there will be actual footage of the building process...maybe by Feb we will have a new house to run around in! We will sure miss this place though, it's location in the town, not to mention our own beach a few yards away.....but we won't miss the space. =) Our neighbors are pretty great too....but good thing- there will be neighbors where we're going too!! There's a little map of it if you're familiar with the area...that fatty line uptop is the interstate. Great news for all of our traveling friends, it's one exit closer to Nebraska!!!! Locate the red X if you will, and picture us on the front porch drinkin some coffee and watchin the twins mow the yard. yesssss....

Dad, Ev, Cale, and Josh...next summer come prepared to put your handyman skilz to the test. Bet we'll have a project or two for ya! Isn't family great. =)


Heather Lea said...

woo-hoo!! yet ANOTHER reason to come back for another visit. I'm going to get my man up there one of these days. Maybe after September so we can be bed buddies! :)

Love you.

The Feather Files said...

So cool! Can't wait to visit again and see the new abode.

G & E, I suggest you stay in the crawling stage - don't learn to walk cuz they've already got you mowing the lawn!

StJoeSchoony's said...

We love playing in the dirt! Let us know what you need help with, we are happy to join in.

StJoeSchoony's said...

We added a pic to our name, just wanted to see if it comes up when I leave a comment:)

Josh and Erin said...

Yup. choice property right there. excited to see it!

Steph said...

How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to come visit!

And love the dead bug pose too - we can only get one hand and foot right now - but I'm sure TW will be joining that party soon too - hopefully not the mobile part though....