Monday, June 23, 2008

Over my head

Ok, I'm sure the suspense is killing everyone. The twin in the picture is....


I know. I got it wrong too, and I'm the mom. Seriously. Had you all known that the picture was taken on Schoonveld's porch swing the same day as the photos would have put the clues together with the gray tshirt sleeve and see that Ryan is wearing the gray tshirt and holding Ethan in the other picture. But I didn't give you that clue because you would have totally figured it out. ?? hahahaahaaaaa. ok maybe not.

Well, the start of another busy week, and the conclusion of another busy weekend. Saturday was our crazy day. Bridgman Family Dental always partakes in the Relay For Life in Berrian Springs every summer, and Ryan was able to help out again this year as Dr. Neal is out of the country on a mission trip- he comes back tonight. ANYHOO, they are in the same tent/building thing, which are set up all around a giant loop that people walk on. They raise money with their teams during the year and then have someone from their team walking on the track for 24 hours! It's pretty cool. But we were doing free oral cancer screenings for people- you'd be surprised how many people DON'T want to do it...COMMON PEOPLE- it's FREE!!! The mouth is a personal thing, I know. Get over it and find out if you have cancer!!!! =) Most people don't even have a dental home- craziness. >Ryan did find a few things with the Velscope (WATCH THE VIDEO!!) that looked suspicious so it was worth it to be there. But even if he didn't find anything, it would have been worth it to get that many all clear reports. That stuff is BAD. Part of what makes those things so bad is that it is VERY MUCH connected to the rest of your body, so when things go south, it spreads QUICKLY. So in the case of cancer, people that are regularly checked and have their oral cancer checks by their dentists (ask your dentist if he checks that for you) are more likely to catch those things early on.

OK, enough of my dentist wife talk...we had a great time, I love seeing people and hanging out...turns out, the tent next to us, I remember from last year, does free haircuts - right up my alley - and the lady that does them is in the twins club with me!!! (you're laughing that I'm in a twins club...ha.) SO cool, she couldn't cut hair this year cause the other girl from her salon had something come up, and I said- HEY, call me next time!! And so she will!! WOO HOOOOO!! AND, right next to Ry. Weird, I know. One of our other friends, Amanda, is just a few tents down from us too, so it's always fun to see her. But we had a blast.

ON THE SAME DAY...was the WWII reenactment on Tescornia Beach. Seriously, Michigan is awesome. It was VERY cool, Schoonvelds went to it so as soon as I get some pics of that then I'll put em up. AND we missed the wine festival at Weko Beach in Bridgman featuring 9ish wineries from the area, including Tabor Hill, our fav...DANG. Why does it have to be all on the same weekend!?!

Then that night we went to the 2nd annual White party at our friend's house, Eric and Heather Hudak. They are both chiropractors and just built a beautiful home near the beach in a new development in Benton Harbor. Their house gave me a lot of ideas for our place. =) But if any of you are looking to host the party of the year, I suggest a theme party where everyone wears ALL WHITE. It was a blast! We went with Schoonvelds and knew a few other people there, but it was still really fun. They have a 'bags' tournament out in their backyard...I'm sure the neighbors are all staring out wondering if these crazy people in all white throwing beanbags and drinking beer in fancy bottles are gay. hahahahaaaaaa. Girls wearing white isn't that weird or hard to come up with an outfit...skirts, dresses, capries, not unusual. But guys....haha! Eric said is just fun to get together and wear something you wouldn't normally wear. He was right. Imagine about 30 people, 28-40 (and then there's me, always the youngest) eating fancy hor'dourves and havin a good time. WOW it was fun. Seriously, someone plan it and tell me how it goes. It was awesome. Ryan doesn't own white shoes, nor did he want to spend money to come up with a white we did a little doctoring to his Nebraska Sandals with some athletic tape and they totally worked, don't you think?!?! yessss. Too bad I forgot my camera so there's no proof of the funness. Still mad about it. You'll just have to trust me. =)

Ok this is a book. told ya we have a lot going on. More later! Dang I still have to write about the house...wait, look how cute Garrett is. awww.


Heather Lea said...

what a busy post! Sheish! G is SO CUTE! can't even stand it. i hate that i'm so far away. move back.

in other news, i dropped my cell phone in the sink of bleach water at scoot's yesterday. fried it. so today my man went with me to get a new one- but they couldn't get my old phone to turn on to get any of the numbers. :( i'll get yours from nate.

miss you. a lot.

Michelle said...

Love the cute pictures. The boys are growing up too fast!

We are coming to Michigan on Wednesday and will be there for 10 days. We need to get together!

The Feather Files said...

I knew it was E! I am good.

What? They can sit in the stroller now? We are seriously missing out on everything. 19 days till we see you. yesssss.

Josh and Erin said...

can time stinking hurry up!? one more week. Then we'll be there. can't wait!!!!!

Mr.A! said...

i bet the neighbors thought a bunch of scientologist just moved in!

missy said...

reading your blog feels like i'm just sitting talking to you again. that feels good! your life has changed so much since the last time we sat down and talked!!!!

Anonymous said...

love G's smile! Any teeth coming soon?

Unknown said...

You are a busy busy woman! I cant for Chris to be done so we can do all that fun "dentist" stuff you do :)