Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oh so worthy

Vacation was a success! We were able to catch up with many friends...although short, GREAT to see everyone. I don't even know where to start. I asked a few packing trivia questions in the last post, I would like to report the final tally. Packed clothing...bad. I over-estimated- the amount and the weather....turns out after being away from the intense humidity of Kansas City and Omaha...the nighties I brought were all too hot, so didn't even need em. Plus, laundry at mom's helped out a lot. There were 4 shirts peed thru during the naps, 3 pants, and one outfit bombed out at dad's. That was funny- he was holding G up by one leg cause Garrett was laughing and trying to spin all over the place while dad was trying to get his shirt off without smearing poop all over his head. Hahahaaa. wish I got a video of it. Diapers= about 65 would be my guess. i brought too many. Formula= I totally ran out on Sunday. Horrible. Good thing Nebraska has STORES, unlike some Mich people say to give us a hard time. =) Gas budget for May= blew past it not knowing it would be a whoppin $4.20 by the end of the month here. Sheeeesh. Pictures of the weekend= 550!!! Three cameras, three days, three million photo opportunities. So when we got home I had to go thru and delete like 250 of em cause some were blurry and such....SO...there are many to choose to put up here to recap the weekend. I'll do my best.

First of all, the car ride to and from was AWESOME. Thanks to these incredible inventions....bottles with a straw!! Worked like a charm! Makes a GREAT gift for people who like to travel or use the stroller or whatever...LOVE IT. And the boys looked so cute holdin on to the little straw part. hahaha

A little cards, little grillin out, little chillin on the couch with some Guitar Hero, all the usual events of the semi-annual hang out in KC...just decided to throw everyone for a loop and bring some babies along this time. =)

And then some family fun at mom's sweet new apartment. Of course you have to get the 4 generation pic in there. haha. We had some fun eating 2 huge amazing meals, watchin the little dudes roll around on the ground, the jumpster, feeding them rice cereal, you know...all that fun stuff.

And a short but sweet visit to see Carissa and Scott's baby girl...adorable. Didn't think it was possible, but she's even cuter in person. Erin, the boys and I had a fun time hanging out at the Martin's with the Martins, Eidams, Ritters, Eigstis, and Bobby. =)

And a day out in the BEAUTIFUL weather on Monday with the fam, and grandpa!! Another 4 generation pic...awwww. And look at the HUGE family. Everyone minus Levi. Seriously. Perfect timing to go to Africa on a mission trip, I mean really. So 6 of the kids, dad and beth, grandpa, two twinnies, two husbands, and two girlfriends. Thought maybe the deck was gonna break. WOW! Love it!

Even showing all these pics doesn't even scratch the surface of all the pics and memories of the weekend. It was so much fun for me to be able to introduce the boys to my grandparents and to let them get some Nebraska lovin from all the family and friends that love us from far away. I decided that there was waaaaay too much to write about in one post, so I will have to do some followups and hit on a few highlights in depth! Thanks to everyone for making our weekend so special!

To Be Continued!!


Heather Lea said...

GOOD JOB! you did a great job summarizing. :) miss you already- that picture of us girls with bobby and the babes cracks me up every time. ha! love you too much..

Steph said...

Sounds like a fabulous trip! Glad to hear you had such a great time!

Josh and Erin said...

come back!

ok next time, we're planning for a week. :)