Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where do the days go...

I feel rushed. Every day. Why is that? I wake up, feed the boy...then I start thinking of all the things I need to get done before Ry gets home - 9 hours away - and I think thru the next few nights and upcoming weekend and see what I need to plan and get done before then. Talk about being wiped by the end of the day....and I know ALOT about wiping. haha. Ryan's exhausted by the end of the day, and then he gets to come home and help me! =) It's been a LONG time since we've had nothing to do after he gets home from work. (I like our evening activities with friends...) Pretty sure there's nothing we could cut out, so I guess we'll just have to morph further into non-sleeping yet functional individuals.

In recent events, Brandi Roeber was here visiting from NE. One of Ryan's teeth buddy graduates of '07, currently in the middle of her Pedo Residency...with one year remaining. We had a BLAST. SO today, I'm feeling the loss of her assistance. WOW, with her here, I showered before 10:30 every day, was out and about, laundry done, kitchen clean, cookies made, friends visited, beach visited, hung out on the bluff in the sun, babies were clean...the list goes on and on. And today, boys are crabby and won't take a nap for more than 45 minutes. Sheeeesh. Brandi come back!!! Hahaha....and again, with our slow camera, most of the pics were with hers, so here's just a few.

THE JUMPSTER!!! This is pretty much hilarious. They LOVE it...I also love it if I need to get ready. =)

An action shot of the boys' dedication on Mother's Day.

And one of Ryan and Heather's son, Hunter, and their dog, Buddy. Hunt sleeps with Buddy every night, Heather checked on him and found them sleeping like this, took a pic cause it's SO DANG CUTE and then made Buddy get off of him so he didn't suffocate. haha.

And now I'm off to run errands. Only have an hour. Time me.


Josh and Erin said...

Are you sure you can't get in the car a day early...I'm going insane. Will the weekend hurry up!!

Great pics by the way. Love em! Good one from Storyline. AND, I don't understand how Buddy wasn't crushing his face...or at least drooling on him. :) You should bring Schooney's with you.

The Feather Files said...

Love the pics. Do me a favor...RELAX this weekend, just a little. I hope I can be like Martha when I grow up!

Anonymous said...

I can't WAIT to see you and those handsome men you bring with you!!!!! The boys are looking like little men! I am in awe of you mostly

Anonymous said...

Any request on pie flavors for Monday? I'm counting, counting, counting the minutes. You and the boys PLUS Josh and Erin - doesn't get much better than that. AND a chance to meet Scott and Carissa's daughter too.

Mama Eidam