Friday, June 15, 2007

Well that was an experience.

SO, this morning, let me just tell you, was not top on my fun-Friday event lists. In reading, you might sense some anger in my tone, but it's more of just a vent, if you will, in hopes that the feeling may pass soon. =) Last Friday, I went to South Shore, the gym we are members of, for a friendly aerobic step class with an invitation from a lady from our small group whom I have a lot of respect for. It was a pretty good time, although quite a bit different from my normal workout - not that I really have a normal workout, it's just that I don't hop around a step alot when I go there by myself. Mostly women in their late 30s or 40s, some even older. I was clearly the youngest. I swear there are no young people here in this town.

At Any rate, this morning, I was again supposed to meet Joy for the same class...she didn't show up. No big deal, I don't need someone there to hold my hand. And then a different lady shows up to teach the class, the one from last week was gone this morning so we got the substitute chick that teaches the evening classes. Everything started out fine, aside from no warm up, which I thought was strange, just jump right into it. Very soon we started doing these little mini 'routines' which were about 16 counts with various names like 'diagonal corner' and 'pivot basic' and 'what the crap'. Just kidding I made that last one up. And of course the techno music is blaring and her loud chanting voice commanding all these step names and counts could be heard over top of it. I'll just say it. I had absolutely NO idea what I was doing. Finally when I think I knew what was going on, the 'dance' would change to something else, and then I was lost again.

I used to think of myself as a somewhat coordinated individual, but after today, I think that is entirely false. There was no coordination on my part, just mostly a confused face and some just standing there trying to figure out what was going on. I made it about 40 minutes and then had to just throw in the towel. The room was packed with people who could have been teaching the class themselves, that's the part that stinks about going for the first time, I suppose. No one seemed to think it was a hard thing except for me, chillin in the back, totally lost.

And then to make it worse, yes it can get worse, since I was in the back, about half the moves we would turn around and face the back wall...there was no one for me to watch but the bricks a few feet in front of me, and everyone in the class, as if they couldn't see from all the mirrors, could see in person that I didn't know what I was doing. Awesome. Let's just say that I was fairly humiliated, mostly just wanting to come up with excuses for myself to justify my lack of body awareness. It was horrible. After this morning, I think it will take a LOT for me to go back to something like that....I will just stick to the normal routine to attempt to save what little face I have left. haha. And then I left a pissed off message on Ry's phone just cause I had no one to tell here at the apartment. I will be going back this afternoon to try to have a decent workout with Ryan after he gets off of work. I hope I don't see any of those ladies there. =) Really cool story, huh. Sheeesh.


Carissa Martin said...

Hahahah. Oh man Marth. I have TOTALLY been there. In college, Amy & I decided it would be cool if we took hip hop lessons. We went to the class, turns out it was a bunch of 11-15 year old girls. They could dance. I could not even figure out how to translate the moves from the instructors words to my own body. Needless to say, I never went back.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad on the gym class. I'm sure Linda and I have slaughtered more coordination moves than you ever could. =) And then she starts laughing so loud the WHOLE CLASS has to notice every time!