Friday, June 8, 2007

The weekend!

SO, just finished watching The Matrix Reloaded...or as my bro calls it 'Meatrix reloaded'. One time we were at my grandparents in Oakland's house, which is always good for a few laughs, dad told him to reload the meat tray and Evan replied 'Meatrix Reloaded'. the room bust out laughing cause it was totally out of no where, and of course it makes it funnier when grandma and grandpa have no idea what we're saying, we talk way to fast and quiet for them. Oh man. At any rate, the movie is better when you watch it again...for the 3rd and 4th time...things make more and more sense to me. Actually, normal people pick that stuff up the first time around but i am left in the dark waiting for the dvd release. Sigh. Can't wait to watch the 3rd one now. It's all coming together. Don't think I'll have time to watch it until after the weekend though...there is much to do, as we are expecting some COMPANY!!!

Sunday evening our beloved friends, Aaron and Amber, as pictured, will be going to the Winery, Tabor Hill, which is awesome and totally beautiful...giant beautiful building in the middle of a vineyard full of any kind of alky you wish and some dang sweet food. We have been saving that date night for such a time as this. Hopefully we will finish our dining in time to head back to the beach and watch the good ol' sunset over the lake. And just like that it will be time for them to take off again. But it will be awesome to see them.
That be all. Ryan and I are enjoying an oven-toasted samich and soup in honor of Aaron's upcoming visit. I hear he makes them quite often. That be all folks. Have a safe Friday night! Make good choices!

1 comment:

Heather Lea said...

i'm glad you reminded people to make good choices. Atta girl, marth! You'd better be saving another date for when Nate and I come visit in October- that's far away!!! :( I don't think we'll make it up sooner than that, though. At least we won't be there together. I'm sure I'll be there at some point by myself after I move to the good ol' north! LOVE YOU!