Tuesday, June 19, 2007

week 13.....

SO, one more week to tack on. 13 down, 27. wierd. I read today that "it's" the size of a jumbo shrimp. hahaha. last week was an apple and the week before that was a small fig. what's with all the food comparisons? =) At any rate, first appt is this friday am, hopefully all will go well, don't see any reason for it not to.

Does this seem like a slow-going week to anyone else?? sheeesh. We were going to have plans last night, then that got moved to tonight, then just now, cancelled altogether. Rain check. SO, what shall we do.

Ryan and I watched Kingdom of Heaven last night. Good flick. Top of the lists. Actually, I know it's in the bible somewhere about why there isn't peace over there....I've heard it long ago or read it, but I can't remember where...my guess would be Isaiah. So this morning I tried to find where it talks about their conflict and the treaty that will signal Christ's return...am I making this up?? I searched for a long time...anyone have any ideas? I would love to learn about it since it is fresh in my mind. Anyways...just a little take-home for you, if you will. let me know what you find!

1 comment:

Heather Lea said...

Let me know when "it" gets to the size of an avocado....because those are my favorite. :) More babies on TLC today....always thinking of you!