Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Aw crap.

Turns out, maybe hot tubbing wasn't the best idea I could have had... This just in, if I have any pregnant readers, DON'T, repeat, DO NOT, tub. Bad idea. Here's what some experts had to say on the subject:

Is it safe to sit in a hot tub while I'm pregnant?
Expert: Jeanne-Marie Guise, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology, Oregon Health Services Center, Portland, OR
It's not a good idea unless you can control the temperature and set it at no more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Soaking in hot water or sitting in a hot, steamy room can make you overheat, which raises your heart rate and reduces blood flow to your uterus, potentially putting your baby under stress or interfering with normal development. And because pregnant women have a hard time cooling down, you're more likely to pass out if you get overheated in a hot tub or sauna -- an especially dangerous proposition in either setting.

Expert: Catherine Lynch, director of the division of general obstetrics and gynecology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Hot tubs are usually too hot to be safe for pregnant women to use. We know that water over 105 degrees is damaging to developing cells. It won't damage yours, but the baby is sitting in fluid that's also going to get very warm. And extreme temperatures can damage very early embryos. So hot-tubbing in the first trimester could cause malformations in the fetus or cause you to lose the baby.

Ok I made is small so you all didn't have to scroll for 10 minutes whilst you read. SO, I'm probably the last to know that that wasn't a very bright idea...hmmm...but the good thing is that I didn't roast in it for 1/2 an hour...only about 10 min, and then swam in a cold pool for 30 min and then jumped back in to warm up for about 4 min. After doing some other research today, I found that it really takes a person's body about 10 minutes to adjust to the water's temp, and usually people get uncomfortable hot before that point, which was the case....

But enough about that. I am boiling some eggs for a snack, sounded like a good idea...so I must tend to my cooking. Thank you for your time. =)

PS, I'm 11 weeks along for people who would like a number. !!

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