I have an appt tomorrow morning.
A non-stress test is in store.
From that info we will decide when to induce.
Our options at this point seem to be Tuesday or Friday.
A simple pros and cons list tells us that Tuesday is our best pick.
HOWEVER, we respect our doctor's opinion, and will decide after we receive more info.
No amount of 'home techniques' seem to work to put me in labor.
We need to pick a name. HA
There you have it folks, stay tuned for more information!
On a different note, I REALLY REALLY wanted to be able to watch Ry play in the Lakeshore Alumni bball game against the varsity team last night, Meet the Team Night, if you will...and I WENT!!!! WHEW!!! I had so much fun, maybe even more then Ry. I could watch him play any day. AND, they tied 59 to 59. Pretty great. Schoony played too, even though he's not a true alum, he was recruited for a reason. (someone can TEAR IT UP). Heather and I were great fans, that's for sure. Anyways, I was really hoping all week that I would be able to go to that, so thank you God for keeping me pregnant so I could watch my man. =) And now she can come out whenever. Anytime really works for me.
More b-ball pics!! Oh, and have your baby...soon. =)
Remember, I (Jish) picked tomorrow as THE day...c'mon baby Thomas, make me a winner!
Can't wait to hear the exciting news that baby girl is here. I've been checking in on your blog and Erin's blog hoping that I would see some great news. We will be praying for an easy labor and delivery and a healthy mom and baby!
Hey, did you try castor oil? I've heard at least a couple of moms say it started labor within 12-24 hours.
She'll be here when she gets here. Easy for me to say since I'm not sitting here prego. Counting the days until we come to Michigan. Mama E.
I was 2 weeks late and my mom tried all the stuff too. Finally, after swallowing all the oils, walking miles, and everything else, I popped out on a full moon. Have you check the moon cycles?
Can't wait to hear the news.
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