Monday, September 15, 2008


Well everyone, our trip was a SUCCESS!! And we finally made it's a sum up of the trip.

Leave for NE Thurs after Ry get off work (1.5 hours later than expected)
Smooth car trip, boys did great.
Get into Elkhorn at 2am, boys wide awake. Awesome.
3am Boys decide to finally go to we can too.
6:30am E wakes up.

Friday morning, Eidams came over for a quick hello to the boys.
Head to the dental school in Lincoln to see Uncle Nate and other teeth people.
Lunch with Schweitz siblings and mom.
Hang out in Selleck and Cale's house with boys while Marth gets hair cut by Courtney!!! (HALLELUJAH)
Run and pick up dress for Steph Eidam's wedding in December, head to up with Ry and the boys.
Rehearse. Eat. Be Merry.
Pack up and head to Hohlen Inn and Suite to hang out with old church friends, meet new little guys Turner and Camden!
Late night talk of teeth, finally go to bed.
6:30am E wakes up.

Saturday boys, breakfast, shower, go to church to cut Bama's hair.
Rest of girls arrive to start getting ready.
Work some hair magic and then have a meltdown trying to get Scipp ready in time. I actually cried...loosing my skilz I think. Dangit. I dont think that's ever happened before...
Wedding BLISS - best ceremony we've been to in a really long time. LOVED IT!!
Ride in limo to reception
Recept. Eat. Dance. Be Merry.
Catch up with MANY friends - it was a blast!
10:30pm head to Uncle Nate's to say goodbye
Midnight, back in Elkhorn, put boys to bed.
6:30am E wakes up.

Sunday morning, shower, hang out with fam, eat a great breakfast see GREAT GRANDPA SCHWEITZ!! Sigh, he's my favorite...
Gma Eidam, Stephy and Briana visit to see the boys
Ry does dental checks on Dad and Beth.
Look at pictures, Eat Pizza, Be Merry.
Leave for Mich at 3PM.
Notice the flat tire. (There was a screw in it - actually it's still there...)
fill up tire, get some coffee, start the drive.
Couple hours in, G BOMBS while sitting in the carseat, up the back, out BOTH sides and up the FRONT!! of his diap. Time for a rest area, 20 min delay of game.
Back on the road, few hours later stop for gas, eat subway, it gets dark. 30 min delay of game.
Chicago comin in kinda hot, wait a second, why are they making us exit....take a 2 hour detour on this random highway south of I80 due to flooding.
E wakes up to poop. Since we're moving about an inch every 10 minutes, Ry changes his diap in the front seat and he plays in dad's lap for a while. (I was driving the second half) Goes back to bed in car seat.
Arrive back in Mich at 3am, 12 hours from start of trip.
I look like I got hit by a bus.

There you have it!!! Pretty eventful! Now it's back to house decisions, and the boys' 9 month doc visit today. Thank you Dr. Neal - Ry got to sleep in a few extra hours because of his schedule, so he went in at 11 this morning. All in ALL, GREAT trip, we got so see so many of our friends and family, there is always more we wished we had time for, but it was so GREAT to see one of my BEST friends get married and start this new stage of life with her man. Love you Scipp!! Pictures to come...


Josh and Erin said...

wow. I haven't even blogged yet. You are ahead of the game. Woke up early...on laundry load 3. Got finances in order, packages ready to mail, and unpacked from the weekend.

This just in. Forgot my facewash at Merediths. Man am I going to get ziti.

I'm going to make a facebook countdown to the mini van plan.

The Feather Files said...

I feel like I was hit by a truck just reading that! E really needs to learn to sleep in so you can rest. I laughed so hard, tears came.

It was great to see you!

Steph said...

Wow! What a trip! So glad you could stop in, we LOVED having you all here - the boys are awesome, can't wait to see them again - tell them not to grow to much, ok?