Monday, August 11, 2008

Better sit down for this...

As promised...a million pics. So I will do slideshow style once again.

First up, Family Reunion, Baileyville, IL, 2008. 24 hours of fun. next year we need a Thurs - Sun to really soak in all the Schweitz. Haha. What do you think, fam?

Next up, house building... TODAY, that's right, today is the first day of framing. So from here on out we will see some major progress...but I will save those for another post. Here you will see breaking ground to filled in basement hole. They did pour the basement floor this weekend and I don't have pics of that, so you'll just have to imagine it there. =) Exciting!

And last, but not least - NASCHAIR!! For your viewing pleasure, the course, the chair, the team, and the domination. By domination, I mean... we totally got dominated. haha. But that's ok cause we're all set in strategy for next year. There was some good competition, and the rules changed a bit once we rolled in (haha) that changed things last minute and resulted in some unprepared team members. Couldn't be avoided. I was pleased with the turnout in the cheering section. They called us - the DENTAL DOMINATORS! Ha!

If you made it thru ALL those get an award. Cause that was alot. I should maybe post more often, eh?

Boys are sleepin, now is my time to act. GO!


StJoeSchoony's said...

Great pics, I put NasChair pics on facebook...We hadn't seen the house since the back filling, we are gonna have to take a drive over. Talk soon!

Josh and Erin said...

yup. good pics! That seems like much easier way to put a bunch on there. is it? Things done today:

-paid for reunion
-made dentist appts (Kim has Ryan doing them! ha ha ha)
-lots of moving details
-BBB plan nearly complete