SO, been slackin on my little dude pictures. There are a few of you that, I'm sure, only 'read' to see the pics of the boys, so I will once again display in slideshow form because it is sweet that I learned how to do it. (Thanks again, Carissa!)
Recent activities include LOTS of climbing, eating, climbing, crawling ALL OVER - and FAST, more eating, maybe a few naps, you know, the usual. For the most part, they still go to anyone who smiles at them or walks them around. This last week though, Ethan had a melt down at work when Joy was holding him. Out of no where just started wailing. It was loud. But church was over so that's ok. haha. And Garrett's done it twice this week, once to Uncle Whitey and the other time tonight with Deb's husband Rich when we were hanging out. Weird, I know. but I suppose they have to go thru the 'who are you' phase sometime. I'm totally flattered boys, but seriously. Come on. =)
They are interacting with each other a little during the day. most of the time they just play next to each other, but sometimes they'll laugh at each other - I think they think it's a mirror...and they climb over each other a lot too. Funny. Garrett's really got some brute strength though. And some grip. WOW. Ethan is so much more gentle and not as spastic. haha. Spastic would be G trying to get himself out of the car seat as soon as you start coming toward him like you're gonna get him out. I keep telling him it actually takes me LONGER when he does that....hmm...
Also, this is even more news worthy. Today was phase two of the new tooth process!!! At the beginning of the summer Dr. Neal put the screw into my jaw (sounds painful, but I was numb. Couldn't feel a thing) =) Future implant was in sight. Then this morning, Ry and Neal did something to it...took some impressions, took off that giant wire that made #6 (?) look HUGE. I know. Anyways, gonna get some bleach action goin quick...then get the new tooth back from the lab and plop it on there before September. I have a couple hot brides that need me to look shipshape! WAHOO!! For those of you who haven't been along for my missing tooth complex...this has lasted since senior year of highschool when it was knocked out in a freak horse riding accident. Just kidding, it was taken out in surgery. haha. Anyways, my long lost tooth will come to me shortly! Thanks baby for the best present ever!! (This can count for the next few birthdays) haha.
And the house project is right on schedule...I took some pics of it today for the scrap book, and tomorrow morning they're pouring the basement walls! Turns out, the excavator dug too deep, so now we have to have 9 foot walls in the basement. OH DARN! AND we don't have to pay for it cause it was his fault!! BOO YA! Talk about sweet. That's awesome. But I'll post some up here soon after they do the walls and stuff. Got some good action shots of the workers. haha. Why is it that they think it's ok to be out in that horrible sun - without shirts - giant sun spots on their backs - every day. Seriously. Cancer. Poor guys.
Anyhoo, that's all for tonight. Schweitz family reunion this weekend, fam leaves from NE tomorrow, gets to our aunt and uncle's house by Chicago tomorrow night. We leave Sat morning and party until Sunday with the extended family. Everyone gets to see the babes! Can't wait! Until next time!