Monday, April 16, 2007

It has now been 1 full week since the last post. I am feeling stightly guilty. But know this, not a day has gone by when I have not thought of a new post, but my mind cannot come up with the words to say. Nothing worthy of reporting has happened within the last week, so the detailed list of events will not be mentioned. However, there are a few countdowns that deserve mention:

1. Retirement from Wells Fargo is nearing: 4 days.
2. Ryan's last day of school ever: 11 days.
3. The metals come off: 17 days.
4. Brother-in-Law is home for 2 weeks: 19 days.
5. Our address changes to one of Michigan: 20 days.
6. Until we are parents: Could be years.
7. Having you as readers: Priceless.

haha. Ok on with truth. All are exciting and worthy of a tear off chain. I am looking forward to the move more than anything, and am sick of talkin about it. I just want to do it. But I will try to be patient as the chances of me residing in Nebraska ever again are slim to none. I should be livin it up! I will miss the family that is close, but it just gives me more reason to travel for weekend trips!

Of course as life happens, there is a lot of 'unknown'....we're not even guaranteed tomorrow, by God's grace we'll see weekend plans, summer vacations, and trips for the holidays planned far in advance. So there's always a decent amount of unknown to count on. But right now I'm feeling the maximum a good way- because I have absolutely no idea what to expect in many different areas. What church we will attend, who are friends will be, what job I will have, our budget changes, paying off debt, how long we will live in our apartment, how much stress will be under in the first year from Ryan's job, all sorts of things that await us in Michigan....and the most we can do is talk about it now....until the move happens and we figure it out as we go. That is why I'm ready to move.

Also, I heard the sunsets are breath-taking overlooking Lake Michigan....