Now it's still too early in the game to tell if my tactics are working, but so far here's what I have going:
Diapers GONE cold turkey.
Constant praise.
Constant 'tell mommy when you have to go potty.'
Maybe 80% of the time they start peeing on my floor and then we run to the potty to finish. (not nearly as bad as it sounds) (I've read that this will help them associate the 'feeling' of having to go pee with 'hurry, hurry, you have to go potty, run to the potty!!'
Reward with a sticker on their own sheet of paper in the bathroom. M&M for poops. =)
Don't leave the kitchen/living room area the hole 3 days.
Lots of salty snacks, and juice boxes - which i never buy. bonus.
Really fun new undies!!
Laundry and sanitizing EVERYTHING at the end of the day. hahaa
Now I did cheat the system with training pants for naps and bedtime. That was against the lady's advice in the 3-day potty training guide I read...she said to quit liquids 2ish hours before naps and 3 hours before bedtime just during the training days until it 'clicks'....which I did. G woke up from his nap dry...Ethan no. we'll see what the morning brings. =)
I can see that they already get it, it's just a matter of making it to the toilet EVERY time. they're just lazy. =) But soon...maybe tomorrow it will click, but def by wednesday, and we'll be golden! I will say that the amount of accidents increased DRAMATICALLY after Ry got home from work. They were excited and too busy playing. That will take some time I'm sure. Still a little nervous about putting them in the car seats....or even on my lap. not that I haven't been peed on before... haha. Anyhoo, stay tuned for the results!
OK, potty chart is in the mail. I'll overnight it or I might be too late.
Mama E.
those pictures are hilarious. Imagine them posing like that. ha ha!
Nice job, mama! Let me know how it turns out. Micah is starting to want to go potty more frequently, but I think we're a few months away yet.
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