Saturday, January 31, 2009


Well we had a good ol' time with some friends of ours tonight...Lars and Liz Petzke came over for soup and some (Susie-made) apple pie...mmm..and the boys always have fun together. It always gets a bit interesting though for meals, cause the three little people distract each other and pretty much want to play instead of sit still for food. You could tell the boys LOVED having another little guy over, even though Carter is more than a year older than them, they just kinda followed him around the house. =)

nice hand prints on the fireplace huh? Everyday. Awesome.

But then a wrestling match broke out! We were all laughing SO hard, well everyong but Ethan... you can see him just observing the whole thing pretty much in every picture. Oh my. But it was like in slow motion, they were just giggling and hugging each other....awwww. Wait a year and the 'wrestling matches' will likely end with either blood or tears...

Thanks for coming over guys! We had a blast!


Brie said...

Little boys in overalls--gotta love it!

Emily said...

love the wrestling.

Anonymous said...

Child pornography. Wtf^