Monday, March 26, 2007

Too Many Things to Write...

So it totally sucks not having the internet from home. I feel like I get so far behind by the time Monday rolls around. There are many things going on for Ryan and I right now...obviously we're moving in 4 weeks...there's a lot too that. I'm not so much concerned with being close to Ry's family, but more concerned with being far away from mine.... Thinking realistically, there's not going to be many times that dad and Beth come to MI to visit because of taking time away from work and the cost of travel and such...and we dont' really know what it will look like for us to have time off...especially right away. But the thing that will help is that Nate, Ry's bro, will be here this July to start the 4 year program at the dental school. So it will be like a double visit.

Oh man. Nate was here this last weekend and it was so awesome! I know there's no way he would ever read this...He's not a believer, but we were getting into some really good conversations about forgiveness and seeing past people's shortcomings...also by 'reading between the lines' (verbal lines?) deep down he's afraid that people will somehow let him down,'after all he did for them' he would just rather not put in the effort and expose himself in that way, to avoid potentially being stabbed in the back in the future. Interesting. Sounds kinda crazy when he says it, but the more I thought about often do I hold back in whatever relationship because I'm afraid of the very same thing. Either I'm fine with not calling people out on stuff, or decide it's ok that I only talk to so-and-so a couple times a month, or know, that kind of stuff. Whatever it looks like. It makes me want to put myself out there more, cause I know Nate would notice....just something I'm thinking about today.


Heather Lea said...

Thanks for lunch. I sure love you a lot. You're a great encouragement to me, Marth. I'm excited about what you're learning- especially that great book. I might have to pick it up eventually. Dang, I wanted to go to Lemstone after lunch today-totally forgot. :( ha. Ok, well, have a great rest of the day- thanks for the post! Creature will be proud of you, too. See? It wasn't so hard- just say what you're thinkin'. :) Love you.

Carissa Martin said...

I loved your post. Thanks for writing, you have a great heart and incredible insight.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.