Sunday, December 7, 2008

Unload it.

The time is nearing...let's clear out the apartment. I have actually taken many a load in the bonny over to the new place and put a ton of boxes full of household items in the garage and the basement. I swear our apartment doesn't look any different. Until TONIGHT! Thanks to Garrett and Ethan, mostly Garrett's taken him the past few weeks, but he can actually climb OVER the back of the couch now...and he would fall to his death (ok probably not) if we weren't there watching him. Of course with the way we had the place set up- all the fun things to eat/rip/destroy around our desk looked really exciting. We couldn't come up with a way to teach him NOT to climb over the couch (for his safety of course)...Ry suggested we just move the couch against the wall!! Brilliant! It's only about a mile away from the tv now in case we ever want to put in a movie before we move. Oh well...So, I reorganized some things and Ry helped me move the furniture and we packed up some more things to take to the house, so now this is what we're left with.

Not too bad! Feels like we made some progress anyway...the boys will wake up tomorrow and just run in circles I'm sure cause there's SO much space....Speaking of boys, they're really loving all the boxes we have around here. I'm sure they'll be missed. haha. No better toy....

*Sigh* So cute.


Josh and Erin said...

they are so cute! and it looks like you've gotten a lot done! What am I supposed to help with? Kidding. Are those little courdoroy pants? Like the bear who lost his button? :) 5?

Anonymous said...

Boxes are the best toys! ha I think I'll give them some for Christmas! I'm surprised the vases are safe over by the light switch where Garrett liked to climb on the couch.

Mark & Katie said...

How adorable!!!! Nothing like a daddy playing with his boys....what moments to cherish!!

katie <><