Monday, November 17, 2008

NEW TITLE: Here's the squishy

It's been a while and much has happened. Sigh.

Erin and Josh visited last weekend and the time flew by, as usual. There was, however, quite the story that I must document. And it goes like this....

Erin and Marth are in the kitchen making enchilada soup. Yummo. Ry and Josh are in charge of entertaining the boys, which really is more like make sure they don't get into anything dangerous, make a huge mess, or bleed. Easy enough... Josh is on the computer, Ry's reading a magazine in the living room, E and G in their own little world wandering around the room. Time to change a couple of REALLY wet diaps. Ry does his fatherly duty and decides that since G's diap was SO FULL of pee, he would let him air dry for a few seconds. (Already some of you are shaking your heads because they know what's about to follow) All of a sudden we hear a series of "OOOOOHHHHHH MY GOOOOSHHHH!!!! AHHHHHH!!!' NOOOO!!!!" Erin and I stop dead in our tracks, turn around and G is diaperless (I wasn't aware of this) crouched over top of a squishy mess, fists clenched with brownish/green mess oozing out between his fingers. Huge grin on his face, chomping his mouth. Did he eat it? no one knows. E is also inches away from putting his hands in disaster....Josh comes bolting over top of the couch to assist Ry, who picks up G and goes straight for the tub, holding both arms out away from his body so he couldn't wipe/eat/smear/touch anything! Then he starts yelling for me to help him take off G's clothes. Somewhere in there the little phone toy the boys played with had found it's way into the pile of poop, which we decided to just throw out completely...don't miss that really annoying beep it the poop was in the cracks of the buttons. Sick. So both boys get a really long bath, emergency laundry is started, Josh lovingly cleans the poop pile/stain on the carpet, and Erin and I continue in the kitchen because the boy patrol was not our duty to begin with. hahaha. Makes for a good story!!

Just a little fun at the Thomas house...


Carissa Martin said...

scott says: "that is my favorite story of life. ever."
I say... should have named it "here's the squishy." not "here's the skinny."
boys are gross.

missy said...

hilarious...and disgusting at the same time!!!!

The Feather Files said...

I'm actually crying because that is absolutely hilarious! I might have to read that one again and again for a great laugh.

Josh and Erin said...

the funniest know that's going to happen least once.

Mark & Katie said...

hilarious.....oh what we have to look forward to!! I'll make sure Mark reads this story so he's forewarned!! Hilarious.

katie <><

Anonymous said...

just. plain. gross!
love it :)