Monday, May 14, 2007


So I wanted to put some pictures up that Ry took of the tulip festival and of the lovely sunset....we've watched it over the water almost every night we've been here. =) BUT, the lovely Kodak program on our computer likes to just freeze the second you open it. seriously pissed. I would like to get on it long enough to just put all our pictures onto cd's then just get rid of the program, but it won't even let me do I'm afraid we might lose all our pics, which would be very unfortunate.

Right now, I'm sitting on the couch trying to look busy, there are two older strange men in here- maintainence people...checkin the place out cause I filled in some things on the apartment papers I turned in last week. wow. I have a towel on my head and Ryan's sweat pants and a fleece zipup and no makeup. I am a site. Not to mention I have been blowing my nose and coughing every few seconds. I could hear them pounding on the door right when I was exiting the shower. Awesome. And then of course it's ok for them to just enter when they don't hear anything after a while. So I was scrambling to find some clothes while they were coming closer down the hallway. WOW. That was a close one. But now they're gone, and I guess they fixed what they came here for. Good! I'm always unsure if I should be offering them a beverage or a snack of some sorts....but it is before 10 in the morning. I didn't. hmmm....

Now, I can finish getting ready, well, start really...I have a dentist appointment at 12:10 today with Ry and Dr. Smith to fix my 'frenum'. ow. with a laser. ow. really scared. but I would rather it stopped hurting you know, so might as well go get it over with. Other than that, maybe a few more kleenexes and possibly a movie are in the schedule for this afternoon. I'm not really feeling up to the organizing stuff, plus, I have all the time in the world for that. =) This shall be all for now. Scipp- which books should I go purchase?? I need some good ones, you know what I"m talkin about. Bye for now!


Heather Lea said...

girl, please. if you would ever answer your phone, i could give you some recommendations. i've got lots. i'm off tuesday through thursday. call me. i love you. and miss you. lots.

Carissa Martin said...

Whats wrong with your frenum? When I was a kid, I was tongue tied and they had to cut my frenum. Its not so bad, you'll be okay. But that was yesterday. Yeah, you should answer your phone, I agree with Scipp.

Heather Lea said...

also, you should post again. I KNOW you're not too busy.