Here's what we have been up to list style (in no particular order):
-boys still going to 2 day preschool and loving it (just registered them this week for next year MWF preschool at the same place! YEAH!)
-Lakeshore bball team just beginning districts- great record and so fun to watch!! Ryan and some of his friends have been helping the team at practice a few times and offer advice, which he's all about. GO RED
-I'm on a planning crew for a new thing at our church. March 24th. right around the bend
-Meeting with a handful of new couples when we to the area, new to church. fun getting to know people (and going out to eat!!)
-Different group of people from church we get together for dinner 3-5 times during feb and march to get to know more people....just another way to get to know more people we've been churchin with. Soup night, comin up!
-lots of family comin at the end of march to live the dream in Mich! Can't come soon enough
-weather has been beautiful this winter. 2 snows, barely below 30 ever. LOTS of sun (compared to overcast for 4 months straight) and a few days up by the 50s! Feels like spring already- so I got out my spring decorations. =)
-I'm in the nursery today at church, which will be great for the Syd cause she usually doesn't like to be left....gotta go get ready!
-end with some pictures:
New princess puzzle for Sydney!
Group shot
Painting our signs for Joe's birthday (clearly sydney's says 'happy')
Joe and Susie went on vacation to Arizona areas and brought back these goodies for the kids =)
The end! Gotta get ready for church...yipee!!
oh how blog land has missed you. i LOVE the group shot. and the last one of sydney without her pants...definitely needs to be in her wedding video someday!
miss you girl. seems like a lifetime ago when you were here.
yes awesome! I need to blog, too. I literally think of something good to write every other day and then never get it done. Sheesh. You have inspired me. PS love the bday signs
They forgot to bring Sydney some pants from Arizona!
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