Ok that was FUN! Let me just explain what's happening. I heard of this SWEET game, thanks to Deb and Rich, that's a baby race! We played some guess the poop (candy bar) game = always funny. And since it was a couples shower, what does a little friendly competition hurt, ya know. In light of the upcoming month, March Madness (Ry's second fav holiday) Ry made a tournament bracket. Here were the stations.
Start at the fireplace. Babies in car seats.
1. GO! unbuckle babies, run to the island. Must carry babies at all times.
2. Mix three scoops of formula (flour) into bottle with water, shake it up til there's no clumps. Ry was clump patrol and gave the ok to each team participant to proceed to the next station.
3. Open jar of baby food and feed to your partner with spoon provided. This is where I could have been really mean, but the nicest option Martin's had was oatmeal and pears. I didn't try it, but many say it was NOOOOT GOOD. Final round we moved to applesauce and that was much appreciated. Ry also ok-ed the empty jar.
4. Then run back to the fireplace, put a diaper on the baby
5. Lastly, buckle back into the car seat! WINNER!
It was pretty fun I must say. And I will add that Schoony's took home the gold. All in all, we had a blast celebrating the newest member to our group of friends, aaaand even though the party was for her, she didn't make a peep the whole time. =)