This really has been an usual summer...waaaayy too much rain ALL of May pretty much, June's temp wasn't quite there for us beach-goers, and July has been hit or miss with schedules and temps, but we still find the time when it works out. I'm pretty good at packin up for it in the morning, snacks, toys, towels, chair, drinks......and then we get there and stay for a few hours, pack everything back up, rinsing off toys and kids, brush sand before getting into car, come home, go straight to the back yard, the kids strip down and get hosed off, back inside, clothes then nap time, then I shower and get everything cleaned out and laundry started and then they wake up. haha. BUT it's totally worth it! seriously I love where we live. Have I said that before!?
Also, been workin on a few house projects....was reading Ryan's (schoonvelds) handyman magazine at the beach and came across a little do-it-yourselfer thing about making sawhorses out of some scraps of wood you have at home. So of course, I went home and looked around and decided that's just what we needed, so I spent one nap time cutting all the pieces, and another putting them together. check it!
Dad gave me a circular saw when i was home in June so I had to have something to break it out for. gotta test my skilz on something that doesn't really matter ya know...cause I have bigger projects comin up...hehe stay tuned for that!
Also, I'm getting Lasik on Monday. Couldn't be more pumped about it. I have TERRIBLE eyes, have been in my glasses for almost 3 weeks now due to the surgery and getting the most accurate measurements. I want to CHUCK THEM out the window on the way home from the doc on Monday. So annoying, SO SO annoying. I have lost them more times than I can count in the last 3 weeks, take them off to do something and can't see to the counter to find them again. Lame. or like tonight, I was upstairs washing my face in the bathroom and put them on my head. OOOh, lost! Cause I couldn't see far enough into the mirror to see them on my head. sheeesh. Dr. Boling in Elkhart, IN is doing the surgery. Ryan and his bro went there 10 years ago for theirs and have loved it ever since. They both see 20/15. He's a great guy and has a great practice. REEEAAALLY looking forward to will be like going from regular tv to high def! cant' even wait (HEATHER AND RICHARD- you're next!!)
Update on the kids....
Ethan is hilarious. He loves sword fights, action figures, cars and trucks, digging in the sand, and using his manners. He will sometimes remind me to say thank you to him. haha. What a stud. He is going to tear up preschool this fall. Loves being around kids but also seems to be ok with his own imaginative play by himself. He loves playing with Hunter- probably because Hunter loves sword fights and action figures too. Still workin on putting the pants and undies on BEFORE exiting the bathroom...hope to have that nailed down before school starts. yikes! Love his brother and sister, gives them both hugs and kisses often. =)
Oh man...G doesn't. stop. talking......ever. And when he's not talking, he's singing some song with nonsense words, or trying to talk to Sydney with his own jiberish. He is totally Mr. Social. I'd say he doesn't' really have any favorite activities, he just wants to do whatever you're doing. Ethan says 'I love Buzz.' Garrett says 'I love Woody!' Ethan says 'I love Lightning McQueen.' Garrett says ' I love Mader!' but ethan's serious and G doesn't' really care. haha. He's growing like a weed, he's probably at least an inch taller than Ethan and a few pounds heavier. Loves to talk to random workers in the stores and tell them the most random things...usually starting with 'Excuse me, Sir.....' When he doesn't get his way he slumps his arms and shoulders way down and snuffs out his nose a few times...and then looks up to see if you saw him do it. hahahaa.. NICE TRY BUDDY. He knows all his letters, upper and lower case, numbers too, he loves reading, and it just KILLS him when we ask Ethan questions that he wants to answer soooo bad (which of course we do on purpose cause Ethan needs to learn the stuff and G needs to learn to SHUTTY) haha. He will love preschool too because we think he is like a little sponge right now, always asking what we're doing, at home and in the car while we're out. Smart lil guy.
AND the Syd:
Ok why is it that i have a MILLION pictures of just sydney. dangit. Anyhoo, she might be the end of me. I can't take the shrill screams. Talk about drama! this kid....WHEW. one minute she's happy as can be, makin my heart melt cause she's soo dang cute and funny, and then the next I want to put her in a sound proof room for an hour. MAN she can scream. And she doesn't seem to like the car right now. unfortunate. She loves babies, eating, saying new words, shoes, strollers, snacks, and following the boys around. Can't really sit still, she is so BUSY! but she is stinkin cute, and Ryan taught her this: "who's a cute baby!?" and she says "MEE!!" and points to herself. now is that a good thing!??! we might be seeing some long term effects on that one. haa. I LOVE that she's learning to talk, I'd say she's like a whole YEAR ahead of the boys with her vocabulary. She says lots of things very clearly, and the other stuff you can figure out by asking her questions. she understands so much. I'm really looking forward to having time with just her this year when the boys are gone...hopefully we'll get some potty training in here soon too. Then we'll be rid of diapers- been buyin those for almost 4 years!!! It's time.
anyways, we love our kids, they are all very different and are each a blessing. Parenting has stretched me so much and definitely makes my weaknesses known. I have a long way to go. Hopefully we can communicate that to our kids and they will see as they grow up that we are on the same journey of being Christ followers in need of the same grace. Just tryin to enjoy every stage because it really does go quickly! The weather looks great for the weekend, we might try to hit up the beach while Ry's home. Lookin forward to some great family time. =)
Great update!!! I loved hearing about the kids. Excited for your LASIK. I should look into it...
And seeing the beach makes me think we should look there to set up our orthodontic practice...
favorite blog in recent history. they are so stinkin cute! :)
I agree with Erin. You have some cute kiddos. You know what is cool....hopefully you are currently reading this with no glasses or contacts....I don't know how that works though. When are you healed?
Yep, wish we could be there. Miss you guys!
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