Saturday, January 17, 2009

where has the time gone.

I've been feeling lately that the boys are HUGE. not only in my arms...but their clothes, appetites, stomachs, the loudness of their 'talking' voice...oh my. 13 months. poof.

Ryan decided last minute Thursday evening to join the group of Younglife skiers in need of another adult sponsor...(Schoony's on picture patrol-haha schoony's on patrol??-haha - so expect some good ones to show up here soon) so I have been busying myself with visits with friends and phone calls and house stuff to make the time go by...but then at night there's just me and the sleeping babes in this big empty house....weird. The cabinet guy was supposed to come over this morning at 10. So I was gone (because to be here with him and the boys is just awkward) at 9:30 to visit Smith's, only to get a phone call at 11:30 saying he wasn't even going to be there until 1. Seriously?? And then an hour later...(keep in mind he's got a full day of work left, so I planned a full day to not be home...) he calls again and says he's not coming until tomorrow morning. Awesome. Why do people do this? Let your yes be yes people. So anyways...I have church and our parenting class tomorrow so that pretty much means I'll be gone again ALL DAY. He can work in peace. He has no choice, the counter tops are coming first part of next week. I have found that same thing with many of the workers in our house project along the would think that people with a labor/skill-type job would realize that WHEN THEY WORK, they get paid....thus since things are slow should be free to do your job quickly, and be available for the next thing to get lined up. NOT SO. People still spread it out, like they're super busy and will try to find time to work a few hours here and there. ??

At any rate, enough about that. Bill stopped by today while I was out and finished hooking up our stereo stuff. AWESOME!!! We have 8 ceiling speakers on our main floor, and three in our bed/bathroom upstairs. And, stealing the idea from the Hawaii house we stayed at, purchased a 'zone' control thing that sits by the receiver so I can turn on/off speakers for whatever room I's so sweet. Except that the only thing hooked up is the radio, so I need to go purchase another few cords to get the DVD and tv in on the fun, and get a sweet cd player to top it off. yessssss. And after all that - I get to organize the wires back there and make it look presentable (even though no one sees it??) hahaha. ok I'm a freak.

At any rate, full day ahead of me, better get to bed. Good night, and good luck. haha


The Feather Files said...

no kidding. i feel like just last year you moved away, but that was almost 2 years ago. I feel like we visited Michigan just a few months ago, but that was a almost 1 year.

this house sounds awesome. can't wait to see it.

Amber said...

Good night and good luck, I believe I watched that movie with you and some friends, and I HATE that movie! Probably because the only thing I remember is that saying waking me up from a peaceful sleep, what seemed to be every few mintues throughout the movie, huh, stupid film! Anyways, thanks for calling the other night, love you and miss you tons!