Thursday, December 25, 2008


The move is going scheduled, we will be out of our apartment by the weekend!! Yesterday Rich, Josh, Nate, and Ry moved 97% of our apartment in the rain and snow....troopers. So now we're left with the random stuff that will probably fill more boxes than anticipated, and we will sleep on our aero bed for a few nights until we leave for NEB on Sunday, and return to our new home!!! Awesome.

Even more awesome...Santas stayed over night with us. Grammy and Grandpa Thomas will be surprised when we walk thru the doors with THESE!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Where has the year gone.

Well, not a day late, the boys are officially 1. WOW. Party was a hit, thanks to some hosting friends of ours- they had the perfect set up, since our house would not be good right now, and the apartment would be even worse. haha. Thanks Deb and Rich....

I thought this to be a good time to reflect on this time, last year....I will use some pictures to help you all do the same.

Also, everyone should check out Katie Smith's blog right now...she's 7 months along and totally adorable...I think it's going really fast. =) Anyways, Erin and I thought it would be funny to compare me at seven months to her....NOT good. For example- her front view shows that her sides are still exactly in the same spot as pre-baby, whereas MINE, I was a GIANT circle already, and blew past my normal shape. actually, what the heck, here's a pic.

She def wins an award.

Anyhoo- on with the reflection....Aannnnddddd out they come. =)

Aaannnnnddddd here they are now. =) Just a short 12 months later...

Happy Birthday Boys!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Unload it.

The time is nearing...let's clear out the apartment. I have actually taken many a load in the bonny over to the new place and put a ton of boxes full of household items in the garage and the basement. I swear our apartment doesn't look any different. Until TONIGHT! Thanks to Garrett and Ethan, mostly Garrett's taken him the past few weeks, but he can actually climb OVER the back of the couch now...and he would fall to his death (ok probably not) if we weren't there watching him. Of course with the way we had the place set up- all the fun things to eat/rip/destroy around our desk looked really exciting. We couldn't come up with a way to teach him NOT to climb over the couch (for his safety of course)...Ry suggested we just move the couch against the wall!! Brilliant! It's only about a mile away from the tv now in case we ever want to put in a movie before we move. Oh well...So, I reorganized some things and Ry helped me move the furniture and we packed up some more things to take to the house, so now this is what we're left with.

Not too bad! Feels like we made some progress anyway...the boys will wake up tomorrow and just run in circles I'm sure cause there's SO much space....Speaking of boys, they're really loving all the boxes we have around here. I'm sure they'll be missed. haha. No better toy....

*Sigh* So cute.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holiday Festivities!

A few nights ago we hung out with our friends Bob and Jennifer Jackson. They have a 3 1/2 year old and twins that are a month younger than ours. What a blast!! There were too many pictures to choose from. haha. They live in a BEAUTIFUL home in Stevensville and it's probably like going to an amusement park for Ethan and Garrett cause they have SO MANY FUN THINGS!!! It was great food and great fun. We need to hang out with them more time maybe Dylan can stay up a bit longer, his crib was calling him early so there aren't many pictures of him...haha

AND, house is coming along...tile man will finish up this weekend so they can start cabinets ASAP...that will change the look of the house completely! Can't wait! Don't think I"m going to get any seasonal decorating in though, moving out of our apartment...moving in right after xmas then headed back to NE for the wedding of the we would miss out on decorating both places! I'll just have to live thru my friend's decorations, and Susie's house is pretty much like a Christmas store, so we'll just have to spend more time over there to get our fill of Holiday Spirit. =) But if THIS doesn't get you in the mood for xmas then there's something wrong. SO CUTE!

Also, Ry's bday is tomorrow, so you should all call him SATURDAY cause we'll have free minutes again!!! =) But don't mention that he's almost 30. HAHAAAHAaahaaHA

Monday, December 1, 2008

startin it off

Well, the month of a million birthdays has begun...mine is TODAY!! woohoo! Erin's is today...and in a few days we will celebrate with Ry, then my mom, then Bama, then Briana, and then E&G! DANG!!! Really there area million more in December, but i'll only write about the first two weeks. =)

In honor of today, Papa Johns is going to make me a free medium chicken pizza, thanks to the superbook...I also spent some time today talking to many a family member and friend on the phone (thanks everyone for the bday wishes)...but sad to say, we have NO minutes on our phone until Saturday. This building a house stuff sucks up ALL the minutes. Anyhoo, boys have been great, they were getting kinda fussy but I said it was nap time, and so they will sleep. haha. Ry's comin home soon, and we will spend the night together as a family here at the apartment!! WOOHOO!!